Archive | January, 2013

2012: a Year of Achievements

2 Jan

Yesterday I spent some time in my car, unable to play on my phone as it stubbornly died next to me, waiting for my friend to pick me up so we could go eat and drink and be merry.  Obviously I had some time to think about the state of things, what with the new year and all, and I thought of some achievements that I made and the things that I learned in 2012, which I think pretty adequately sums up there year.  Here they are in roughly chronological order:

1. Learned to understand a Scottish accent.

2. Drank scotch.

3. Baked a coffee cake in the morning, making my jet lag useful rather than simply irritating.

4. Learned to speak logically and sensibly about bills, yard upkeep, and party planning.

5. Stressed about something real.

6. Occasionally fed myself.

7. Occasionally fed others.

8. Poisoned no one.

9. Went to a doctor.

10. Graduated college.

11. Forwarded mail.

12. Got a job.

13. Learned how not to shower, without seeming like I had not showered (this one goes out to you, dry shampoo, and you, longer hair).

14. Drove cross-country (Houston to Orange County).

15. Rented a hotel room alone.

16. Convinced people I am a grown up (so much so that no one believes Verena is not my child) (I remain unconvinced on this point).

17. Gained a calm, intense voice to encourage people to do what I say.

18. Made Indian food (including cheese).

19. Drove in LA.

20. Saw my first celebrity (SHAQ, YOU GUYS, HE IS SO TALL).

21. Consistently made superlative soft-boiled eggs.

22. Kept a New Years Resolution (my commitment to a bold lip has surprised even myself).

23. Kind of, mostly, understood football.  Won t-shirt for football team.  Felt a sense of school spirit for a school I never went to (See picture at beginning of post).Image

I am not actually sure, though, even after assessing what I think I did last year, and thinking long and hard about what I want for the coming year, I know what my New Years Resolutions should be (intentional capitalization, y’all).  Or.  I do.  But it is all big and scary, still.  Or exercising and eating less cheese.  Which may actually be scarier.  

I really thought for sure at 23 I wouldn’t have a sense of abject terror thinking about the future.  I don’t know who convinced me of this when I was a kid, but someone convinced me good, and boy were they wrong.  

Anyway, here’s a melancholy toast to the new year, may it be better than the last.  



P.S. Also, everyone, I hear eggs are bad for you now?  If so, here is a short list of egg-based discoveries that were made this year, or, in other words, a short list of why I will not be the first woman to live to be 110.

1. scrambled eggs with cranberries and Parmesan cheese 

2. fried eggs with toast

3. egg sandwich with raspberry jam and Italian truffle cheese from TJs

4. poached eggs 

5. medium boiled eggs

6. soft boiled eggs

Eggs forever.